
OpinionJournal - Peggy Noonan

Peggy Noonan: Makes a great case IN FAVOR of PBS, noting that most arguments against are actually because the conservatives don't have control; and most arguments in favor are actually because liberals do have control.

She argues it should be doing better classics/ art. She says it should take some 50 years before something is classic art.

"let's imagine this. PBS mounts a production of 'Hamlet.' No one will watch it? What if Brad Pitt takes the role? He'd be happy to do it; he gets a high-class venue in which to show he can actually act, and in return he earns the gratitude of those who care about culture or say they care, which is most Americans. He'd get points for doing it for scale, which of course he'd have to. Young people would watch. They would thus imbibe Shakespeare, still the jewel in the crown of Western culture. PBS would be thanked for doing a public service. Conservative congressmen would find themselves in the unexpected and delightful position of being called friends of the arts, and liberal congressmen would be able to say 'I told you PBS is worthwhile.'

And so on. Symphonies. A study of the work of George Bellows. A productions of 'Spoon River Anthology.' David McCullough on George Washington. A history of the Second Amendment--why is it in that old Constitution? Angelina Jolie as Juliet, Kathleen Turner as Lady Macbeth, Alec Baldwin as Big Daddy when you get around to Tennessee Williams. It will keep him away from politics. Sean Penn as Hickey in 'The Iceman Cometh.' There are far more great actors than there is great material. Mine the classics, all of them, of the theater and arts and music and history."

Of course, in music it should be less -- maybe 25 years? Who is ever going to remember most of the rap crap music now, in 25 years -- when Beatles will still be played (though less). Best of techno pop, now coming.


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