
Alabama Liberation Front: Dick Armey, right and wrong

Alabama Liberation Front: Dick Armey, right and wrong

(auto link here) How Dick Armey is too anti-Christian in his criticisms.

Dick says "Democrats have already lined up behind the solution of raising taxes and reducing benefits." -- I don't believe any Dems have lined up behind any reduction in benefits. The problem of huge spending is that Reps are trying to outspend the Dems, but the Dems WILL NOT BE OUTSPENT!

There were a few Reps against a few pork items in a few bills, but amendments to reduce those portk benefits were NOT supported by the Dems, nor by enough Reps.

My 2004 3-d analysis shows: the breakdown on three
issues: Bush - Kerry - Total

Iraq+WoT 21.2 mil. 21.2 mil. 42.4 mil.
Tax Cuts 8.5 29.8 38.3
Moral Values 27 4.3 31.3

Bush won 2004 because of anti-abortion / pro-life.
Bush won because 52% of Catholics voting voted Rep.

Armey is an idiot if he thinks low-tax Reps can win w/o pro-life Reps.

Niether Armey nor the fine Ali Bubba are mentioning the Media, the hate-the-rich capitalists biased reporters who also hate the Christians.

Ali mentioned Teddy K and a better list of losing items under Rep influence:
"That's who to blame for No Child Left Behind, Medicare prescription drugs, the failure of Social Security reform, the stupid Senate "comprehensive" immigration plan, and the mess in Iraq!"

The extremely weak NCLB Kennedy approved program, instead of real voucher reform, meant that Bush succeeds at passing an "incompetent", non-successful reform. And Bush and Reps, not Kennedy, get all the blame. Why not pass a real Rep reform, or nothing?

Yet Iraq is the real loser issue, and the Reps are silly not to place the blame correctly.

On Arab Muslim Iraqis (or is that Iraqi Muslim Arabs? or Muslim Iraqi Arabs? or Iraqi Arab Muslims? or...)

The Iraqi Muslim Kurds are doing OK -- this is reasonable evidence that the Bush-Rumsfeld Liberation was reasonably good. The failure of the Arabs is not Bush's fault.
When an Sunni Muslim Iraqi Arab murders many other Iraqis, that's a Sunni Muslim Arab problem in Iraq, not a Bush problem; except in perception, in PR.

The Rep PR problem is that all the anti-Americans in the world, as well as Dem Bush-haters, want to blame Bush for the bad things bad Muslim Iraqi Arabs are doing.


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