Helping Iraqi Schools
Helping Iraqi Schools
Test English
Really good helpful charity. NON-religious, but in favor of education. Dependent children are so worthy of support. |
Skus Slovenskina
Veľmi dobre charity. Nie je naboženstvo, ale podporuje vysvetlenia. Deti potrebuje podporať. |
Saddam in Photo Shop
Michael J. Totten: "Saddam had himself sculpted and painted all over Iraq in various guises. We saw Saddam the Bedouin, Saddam the General, Saddam the Gangster, Saddam the Camel Shit Shoveler"
>>Great! despite being a cultural ignoramus and missing most of the references. "Will Tyrannize for food" was my fav.
Yes, yes, laugh, laugh. And any Arabs who say they feel humiliated? Ask them why they don't have free speech. Cowardly leaders, perhaps? Scumbag dictators afraid of words? Frightened by newspapers? Ha! Laugh at them, they're Bogarts -- cry Ridikulus!
Harry Potter News At Godrics Hollow
Harry Potter News At Godrics Hollow
Nice site -- as OldTigger I answer can Goblet of Fire fit in a single 2.5 hour movie? NO!
It needs two movies.
OK, so maybe a single 4 hour movie with an intermission.
These are NOT kids movies, anymore. PoA should be 3 hours, too -- or cut down and, in the DVD release an extended version.
These movies have the unique, unlikely to be repeated, possibility of following actor-humans as they really age, along with the books.
The books are fantastic, unique in literature. OoP is certainly going to need two movies (2 * 2.5, maybe 2 * 3 extended?). Might as well get the public ready for it. These are going to be definitive, classic, Wizard of Oz / Gone With the Wind kind of movies.
LoTR did it right -- Dune did NOT. Please, please, JKR, don't let them butcher a masterpiece for silly marketing.
My Way
And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I'll say it clear,
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.
I've lived a life that's full.
I've traveled each and ev'ry highway;
But more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Regrets, I've had a few;
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.
I planned each charted course;
Each careful step along the byway,
But more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall;
And did it my way.
I've loved, I've laughed and cried.
I've had my fill; my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.
To think I did all that;
And may I say - not in a shy way,
"No, oh no not me,
I did it my way".
For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels;
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows -
And did it my way!
Wow, what a resource for language enthusiasts. The links on the right are especially good. Makes me wonder if I shouldn't have this language oriented & Harry Potter oriented blog on MT instead of Blogger.
Harry Potter Website
This fine website portal lists the various countries that have a book publisher site for the Harry Potter series. I will develop my dual blog ideas, and try to implement them here, a bit.
Another good site, Harry Potter in Slovak
Harry Potter Website
Harry Potter 5 Tonight at Midnight - Dnes večer na polnoci Mikulaš
I think I might go to one of the book stores that are to be open tonight at midnight to get my copy of Harry Potter 5. I have been waiting to read it again - in Slovak.
Myslim že mohol by som isť k jednej knikupectvo že bude otvarene dnes večer na polnoci a kupím moje kopie Harry Potter 5. Čakal som aby by som si čital znovu, po Slovenský.
The Golden State, From Red to Black
OpinionJournal - Extra
How Gov. S. will make California solvent again. I think Donna Arduin should get my tax loan proposal.
Ready for Harry Potter 5 = Prepravujem na Harry Potter 5
I am getting ready for Harry Potter 5, in Slovak. MUST re-read at least 4, if not finish 2 and reread 3, too
Prepravujem na Harry Potter 5, po Slovensky. MUSIM čitať znovu aspon 4, keď nie je skončim 2, aj opakovať čitať 3, tiez.
Table for bi-lingual blog / Dvoj-jasikovi Blog
< table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="15">
< tr>
< td width="50%" >Test English
I guess I write my English here --The first part of a bi-lingual blog.
< /td>
< td width="50%" >Skus Slovenskina
Predpokladam že skusim Slovensky, tu. == druhy časť na dvoj-jasikovi
< /td>
< /tr>
< /table>
< !-- To here -- but all HTML tables include a space to deactivate them, including this final comment ! so they can be seen in the blog>