
Arab objection to pro-fem onslaught

My comment to Donald:
I hope to write that Huntington is fundamentally wrong in his Clash of Civilizations ... because people are so similar.

Devout Islamic mullahs are likely to be as upset at the powerful Saudi princes' hypocrisy as many Christians are upset at secular materialism (or "brightness"???-not).

Islam is also strongly pro-life/ anti-abortion. The rad-fem pro-sex folk are a huge threat to this. It seems to me that their social culture wars have many similarities to ours, but are at different current balance points in the pendulem swings, on different issues.

Imposition of culture will be resisted, rightly, much more strongly than imposition of democracy.

My take on the Gay Bishop

Commenting on Donald's site:
Thanks, Donald -- great post; fine comments. I skipped a bit at the end there (Chuck & sblafren should maybe email each other?).

But choosing a gay bishop is clearly a demonstrative act by the pro-gay lobby; including towards gay marriage. An attempt to change the church.

I'm pretty sure it will fail. I just finished a fine book "Rome Sweet Home". About a Presb. pastor who studied and studied and converted to Catholicism.

I might have to revisit my own Episcopalianism. I suspect more and more family oriented Christians will seriously consider converting -- although the RC Church in America is among the the worst/ most pro-gay (in practice ... YMCA for boys ...). In Slovakia, Christian is almost a synonym for Catholic. The book says there are some 25 000 protestant churches.

Well, maybe AndrewSullivan can get "married" by this Bishop; but where should religious marriage fit with gov't tax effects of marriage status?

I support marriage for only men with women -- for life. Civil unions available w/o tax benefits for gays, divorced/ second unions (after kids are born). Elliminate "no-fault" divorce for man-women marriages; only available for those in civ unions.

Great Donald on Gay Bishop

Episcopals should be ashamed, as
from Lileks

"There's a word for people who leave their children because they don't want to have sex with Mommy anymore: selfish. . . . "

Donald says.

"There is no way on God's green earth that Robinson would have been elected bishop by his own diocese, much less the entire denomination, if he had left his wife for another woman. Lileks is right: he moved in with a man, and the church has endorsed all of it: his past sexual infidelity, breaking his marriage vows, and his continued enjoyment of illicit sex. All have now been given the Episcopal Church Seal of Approval.

Robinson's homosexuality - nothing else - gave him a free pass to break his marriage vows and have sexual relations outside marriage and not only that, but to be held forth as a paradigm of Christian personhood, a bishop. "

Some great comments, too:
"Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance. There are houses for that" Clemenceau.

In French a house of tolerance means a brothel. Hope this doesn't count for profanity.

On the other hand, another couple comments include this summary:
"So, Robinson divorced in 1986. He moved in with new partner in 1989 and has been in monogamous relationship for 14 years � he would be married if church allowed it. His church signed off on his divorce and his ex-wife supported his nomination to Bishop and his diocese supports him since they elected him. He has worked in the capacity of assistant to the current Bishop and thus is an obvious choice for the nomination. And there have been many other such moves through out the English, Canadian, and American branches of the church. Each of these moves has been met by either the nominated prelate withdrawing or a schism where the Conservatives churches left. This doesn�t look like the case of a man breaking church rules and this violation being overlooked. It doesn�t look like a coup from above where this change is being forced on the church members, and leaving remains an option for those who cannot adjust. Mmm... looks rather progressive to me. But if you think you can convince me otherwise... feel free."


This is LinkBacks from Stephen Pollard; free


Hungtinton quote -- from Where is Raed

"the West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do."

Samuel P. Huntington

Rape issues


Instapundit.com - false rape


False Rape charges. Tough issues, but big. What's needed is to set up different levels of rape/ unwanted sex. For instance, once intercourse starts, and then the women says stop, the man should stop. But not desisting is not quite rape, either. If she struggles, show that there is assault, it IS then rape...

Dean's difficlut conversation with his son.

I think for the first lesson(s) "don't hit a girl. Period." is the right one. Donald's older exception is important -- and why I'm a little glad to be in Slovakia instead of the US with two boys & a daughter (7, 6, 5).

I'm trying more the "don't hit first." But my skinny, smart, nice sons both provoke, and are provoked, too easily.

I've accepted spanking as acceptable discipline, but I see (maybe live) the difficulty of teaching non-violent responses to both verbal and minor violent (poking) provocations.

I'm also trying to focus on letting them swat the hands of somebody who is hitting them (like the youngest, the daughter).

Very relevant discussion.

Mrs. du Toit - Comments/Archives

Mrs. du Toit - Comments/Archives

Women's suffrage note "From the Mrs." Good fem site.

My comment:
"Great note. You might have noted that indoor running water and the washing machine are two civilizing advances that have freed more women, in real time, than any amendments. And the Swiss women who did NOT vote for so many years weren't suffering SO much.

But I'm glad women vote; I'm glad Blacks & Indians (Native Americans) can vote -- but I wish it was only property owners.

Here's an idea for a gov't program: loan 18 year olds some 200 000 to buy property in the US, with interest deferred as long as they go to school/ college. And their loan repayments equal to their income tax liability -- to be a 100% tax credit (pay back the gov't loan instead of income tax).

Your thoughts? (came here from Dean)"

What I like about women -- Dean's World

They're so sexy! Walking, talking, smiling.

The smart ones care about others, as I do -- but not in the same way. After hearing I've talked with somebody, their questions about what I've talked about, or not, are quite different than what I'd have asked them.

They're usually shorter than me, and dress better.

Their general lack of interest in most sports, even women sports.

Nato HR Enforcement Group

From FreeSpeech, here's my first pass on HReg.

My latest comments:

Obviously I'm not clear enough:
China is not gonna be attacked. The point is not a police force, required to protect human rights -- it's an international posse/ vigilante group, who agree among themselves to use force to protect human rights, sometimes.

Inside of NATO (already existing), NOT the Security Council. Consider France and this proposed HReg on Irag: does France agree that Iraq is violating human rights, yes or no? If yes, that agreement means it is morally justified for a coalition of the willing to go in there and enforce the rights.

Does France agree to join the enforcement coalition? No. OK, they don't join, they don't go in, they can even criticize the action -- but not so much if they agree that human rights are violated.

Nobody in the NATO HReg, not even the US, has veto powers over other forces -- but are not bound to support others with forces.

Unlike China, France is a (fairly) free, functioning democracy, with nukes, and already inside NATO; they really matter in this tiny step towards "International Law".

A main question is whether the world is ready to use war against despots to protect civilians -- clearly, sort of yes. Is it ready to formalize the process of using war among democracies, in competition to the dictators of the UN? I argue here it should.

If the NATO HReg has a long list of dictators/ unfree countries, including untouchable China, well, that's reality. But if they choose to go into Liberia, but not (yet) Zimbabwe, that's because there was a willing coalition. Then it's fair to ask the critics (Ian?) -- are you really suggesting that force be used in that other case? (China?)

What I want is more US international cooperation, but mostly with free democracies.

You're right, of course, to warn of possible abuses. But I, personally, don't see such a problem in limiting the actions to be against those countries that have signed the UN HR Dec'l. If a country has signed, its application is open for verification. Of course North Korea and Iran are big issues, but Cuba & Libya also come to mind.

Vigilantes do not have a duty to enforce the law, a police force would. (Vigilantes DO have a duty to minimize innocent casualties if they take action.) There is no world police force, but the people living w/o a free press would be better off if there WAS some kind of police force. [Free press seems among the simplest, clearest, most objective tests a foreign country can give -- can they start a newspaper and write negative stories about the current gov't, yes or no. Similarly, it's hard for any people to be responsible w/o info.]

I believe there is now a window of opportunity to export democratic imperialism, so as to increase the number of democracies in the world, one-by-one, as well as to reduce the small country HR abuses. Yes, imposing functioning democracy by force. As in Iraq -- Liberation.

In Eastern Europe, many good folk wonder why the US didn't even try to save them from the USSR. But most understand it wasn't really feasible. Today, before China fully grows into HyperPower status, it IS feasible to enforce HR obligations on the worst abusers of humans.

It's costly, it's dangerous, there will be problems (and American volunteer soldiers dieing). But NOT leading in this way seems MORE costly, more dangerous, and will lead to worse problems.

Note that having US Marines off the coast of Liberia seems to have been beneficial. The Believability of the threat of force, especially overwhelming force, is important. This is the power Police have in any functioning society--overwhelming force.

When the NATO HR Enforcement Group talks -- dictators will listen. And more will do more to support human rights than if it was just more UN empty words ... or the stupid ICC.

The US may not need this, but it would be one of the biggest helps to world, and would more likely than not be a good and noble thing -- more likely to be good when folk of good reason raise reasonable objections to any force abuses.

Kurds Adapt to a New Order in Iraq - seek Federalism

Kurds Adapt to a New Order in Iraq (washingtonpost.com)

The new word is Federalism. The center does defense, the rest is left for regions. Not an independent country.

They should be given The Federalist papers to read!

Take The Lead In Liberia (washingtonpost.com)

Take The Lead In Liberia (washingtonpost.com)

More justification for my NATO HR Enforcement Group.

Cato's latest on vouchers

True Private Choice: A Practical Guide to School Choice after

This is currently latest from CATO

it lists the 5 main Supreme Court points for a voucher system:
"The Supreme Court adopted five basic criteria for a program of "true private choice" in Zelman. First, any government program must have a secular purpose to survive Establishment Clause challenge. Second, a school choice program must offer only indirect aid to religious schools. Third, the benefits of a school choice program must be made available to a broad class of beneficiaries. Fourth, a program must not be set up in a way that favors religious options over secular options. Finally, states must ensure that parents have adequate nonreligious educational options."

Beyond Vouchers (washingtonpost.com)

Beyond Vouchers (washingtonpost.com):
"What's required would make both liberals and conservatives uncomfortable. We need to spend money to upgrade the quality of teaching in our poorest schools and to demand accountability from teachers to make sure the money produces results. If conservatives were willing to invest seriously in our inner-city public schools in exchange for a comprehensive test of vouchers, I'd take the deal. I'm not holding my breath. "

Having Dished It Out . . . (washingtonpost.com)

Having Dished It Out . . . (washingtonpost.com)

A fine note against excessive partisan insults against the President.


Glenn Reynolds: Instant punditry on culture, politics, and the law

Glenn Reynolds: Instant punditry on culture, politics, and the law

Good advice to Reps: avoid mess ups.

Frightening issue of prison rapes (voluntary crime violator segregation?) and interest in SW outsource.

DefendAmerica News - Article

DefendAmerica News - Article

Thanks to Instapundit.com, I saw another great article on how Iraq is being rebuilt. It's great.

"Every day is better than the day before." That's progress!

Free trade tills the soil of democracy - 07/30/03

Free trade tills the soil of democracy - 07/30/03

A Cato writer supports free trade for the Middle East. It could certainly help.

Lead Us Not...!

Lead Us Not...!

The pro-gay West Anglicans vs the anti-gay pro-Bible tradition non-West Anglicans. On the election of a gay bishop.

Part of the West vs Islam. My comment:
You are SO right. The intolerant, anti-religious Politically Correct controllers of Western media are a threat to believers throughout the world.

Among many other complex responses, here is a policy I suggest for all countries: tax advertising. All advertising is spiritual pollution -- falsely claiming to let a consumer buy happiness.

Thanks for good work (in English).

Master of None: I'm Done Arguing About Iraq

Master of None: I'm Done Arguing About Iraq

Matt, go look at the 17 UN resolutions and read what THEY say about Saddam's WMDs. Or are you too lazy?

Michael is right about arguments being nearly useless, now. You, Matt, claim that the admin didn't make a good enough case "on those grounds".
Try this One hand clapping link: http://www.donaldsensing.com/2003_08_01_archive.html#106037779822898320

(sort of random, for today. AndrewSullivan.com frequently has links)

OK, there is no smoking gun (found yet)--no nuke ready to be assembled and shot. But where ARE the weapons the UN says he had, for which no documentation on destruction was ever produced???

If you want any respect (from me), you should more clearly state what "evidence" means, what would convince you that there was enough?

Finally, you don't say whether you think the Iraq liberation was good, or not. I suspect you have difficulty admitting that the Iraqi people are better off for Bush's war.

I agree that there needs to be good reasons to attack. Whether the total reasons, and evidence, were good enough is a judgment call. I doubt yours is good enough for the safety of Americans.

(Michael, good points in your post; I'm tired too.)


LogicaCMG Big IT company doing transport stuff

LogicaCMG : Pressroom : In the news : Press releases: "Pressroom. Press releases.
LogicaCMG introduces traffic information service based on GSM network
19 June 2003
This summer, LogicaCMG introduces an innovative service package for traffic information customers. Under the name of Mobile Traffic Services (MTS), based on information from the existing GSM network, the ICT service provider will be supplying traffic information about national, provincial and municipal roads. Information can be gathered via MTS on the entire road network without needing to set up any new, expensive, logistically awkward infrastructure. The province of North Brabant is the first customer for the new service"

Maybe this is the company that I should work with to get a foot into a big taxi-jitney GSM based semi-private service.

This is SO easy, MT (even 2.64) is gonna have some problems/ issues.
The Innovater post was amazingly easy, after I added the Blogger button to the Google toolbar.

iAnywhere Solutions Presents 2003 Innovator Awards

Innovater awards from Sybase. For work.


I sent this comment to Israellycool :
Israel should consider a REAL occupation of Palestine, and clear out Hamas & other militants, and impose a benign dictatorial regime of imposed house building and company creation. Especially focussed on free speech, though not yet free elections.