
Globalization and Nigerian Film

Glenn writes about Polish SW:
In my hobby as a musician and sound engineer, I use audio-processing software made by a couple of Polish software engineers who sell it over the Internet. For $100, I got a program that makes my music sound as good as if it had been run through tens of thousands of dollars worth of vintage sound equipment. And thanks to the Internet, they’re able to deliver the product and take my money with a few clicks of a mouse: no messing with shipping, customs, insurance, etc. For my purposes, and theirs, Poland is as close as Silicon Valley, or next door.

This is also true about Slovak stuff.
Glenn continues:
Many tech-support and customer service calls are now routed to places like Barbados and Bangalore, India.

In both cases, technology has allowed places with intelligent people to offer something worthwhile to the world, where previously those people’s talent would have gone unused.

This is why SW patents might be a bad idea -- to protect the overpaid intelligence in the West from cost competition from the underpaid in the East and South.


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