Oh no, oh my. A long flame letter from Laura about how cruel & insensitive I was.
I prolly deserved a lot of it, but I may respond a bit in kind. There.
Tom Grey -- (Old) Tigger -- A Libertarian Paternalist Freedom with Responsibility :: Tax Loans to replace welfare for all "problems" that need gov't fixing. Full Employment possible - National Service (w/ military discipline) available for all. Plus ... Harry Potter! Best books in 50 years.
Oh no, oh my. A long flame letter from Laura about how cruel & insensitive I was.
Another winner, Andy; though Kagan was a BIG winner.
Thomas Covenant and Alvin Maker comments:
DARN it, I hit "Posts" and erased everything.
I'm sure they meant "goggles", like optical glasses, rather than "googles", like the search engine. Spell checks don't catch these (but spell checks still needed).
From the Economist magazine, scientists have created a new base pair, S-Y, to combine with A-T and G-C. This new codon can result in entirely new proteins not found in nature -- and new forms of life. DNA gets an ugrade?
Well, I don't much feel like typing,
Romeo must die -- or else blog? Well, Romeo wins. Fine fighting!
Here is a link to a first generation Cuban American's Blog, on seeing "Vampiros en la Habana".
Well, I was in the CR over the Weekend, and had to do a #2 in McDonalds.
.foXinternet - a bunch of stuff by tucola
I am, even now, defragmenting my hard disk.
Well, here's a note on WAIS -- the very fine moderated email list by Ronald Hilton, of Stanford. An old guy who is a real expert on all Latin America, and especially on the pre-WWII Spanish Civil War (Franco) -- where he lived and studied just before its outbreak.
I'm afraid this cool sounding defragger, allowing me options (like background stealth, or faster space; or full resorting of files by name, by ??, or by date last accessed*), it's too slow. After 6 hours of analyze and defrag; then try to defrag again (I think this should be fast), it seems to take forever analyzing, again.
Hi Charlie, Welcome!
Already Monday afternoon. Thought I might do something over the weekend, but nahhh.
Things I want, think I might want; as they come to me.