
Arguing about IP is strangely funny. (I'm very new here.)

You might look at kuro5hin.org for an alternate way of having discussions (I'm new there, too.)

Or Ornery American forum (or others).
But blogs are getting better -- and Google bought Blogger, so there's hope/ expectation that they'll get even more respectable.

*I* think that using force to enforce IP is immoral. Copying is not stealing -- I copy your idea (or you, mine), and we both have it. (Yes, other property & market relations would have to adjust, mightily, were the law changed thusly. But it would be a smaller adjustment than Iraq is going through.)

Similarly, most lying is not subject to a force based sanction, nor should it be. But claiming/ implying that one originated an idea that was copied, is lying, and the plagiarist should be treated like other liars.*

My free opinion, worth at least twice the price!

*(Well, maybe his wife shouldn't get elected to the Senate...)


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