I guess Liz went "back to Hatrack" -- but I don't even time for Ornery. Too many good blogs to read -- and don't have time to write my own!
I read lots of Liz notes, and there were a couple long ones on other threads that explained how she was teacher in a school where the "good students" left when they had the choice (I think a magnet/ charter school; not full vouchers -- saw it last week).
Baldar jumped over her there, too. Sigh.
I guess neither Liz, nor even Tom nor Ev will show me the places where school choice has been tried and the results have been terrible, or even bad, on average, over a few years.
I did want answers to the question about where the opinions come from; but I am also enraged by the teacher unions. I do think they are using scare tactics, but as little experiments are tried, and seem an improvement, the union position is weaker.
On Ev's money issue, it is a fact that most private elementary school teachers make less money per year than the average gov't school teacher -- I consider this the religious/ charity subsidy, by those who are willing to educate kids for less money in voluntarily chosen & funded schools.
Maybe w/o Baldar Liz will come back?