
Luny: "(Though I also think that in such cases where you knowingly infect someone then you should be held accountable.)"
[from the homosexuality thread]

I don't believe you're serious about the "infectors" being held accountable. I haven't read any "pro-gay marriage" proposals about how to implement any accountability or penalties to the guilty gays who are BUFU-ing and infecting others. In fact I'm enraged by this consistent intellectual dishonesty: "oh yes, I'm against knowingly infecting others (but I'm even more against any sanctions...)"

This is yet another factor making me, personally, more anti-gay as well as anti-gay marriage than I would be if there was even the tiniest bit of agreement here, or in the US culture, for how to find and punish those who are guilty.
Without support for a reasonable program of punishment sufficient to act as a detterent to protect the (half-?) innocent, at least currently uninfected, such protestations are really the hot air.

Your argument (in part): gays who actually guilty "should be held accountable", but no condemnation in any way for the gay lifestyle, and in fact support of gay marriage because that lifestyle should be treated as equal.

Part of my argument: there is no proposal to hold the guilty accountable in any reasonable way. Nor is it really desired (this is what gets me upset.) The pro-gay camp who claims this has no intention of allowing any punishment to any of the guilty, but say such BS words to separate, logically, the guilty from the responsible, innocent gays. Then, for responsible committed gays, the argument in favor of equality is much stronger. And any benefits received go also to the unpunishable guilty gays.

I guess there's still a bit of life in my anti-gay horse, yet. {Recall this is an exploration for me of my own feelings and reasons, more than a serious attempt to change anybody else's mind.)

Accountability is silly without identification. How about mandatory blood tests? For all in the military? For all receiving federal assistance money? For all federal & state gov't employees?

Allowing health insurance companies to require blood tests? (I think this is not allowed now?) Allow insurance companies to conduct random drug tests? Allow exlusion of coverage of those engaging in gay sex? drug users? prostitution?

I don't mind tax breaks for gay couples, even if only "monogamous registered partners". I basically like tax reductions for everybody. But I am deeply angered that responsible behaving folks are paying the health insurance costs of irresponsibly behaving folks. In the case of Christians who condemn all gay behavior, using gov't to force them, through insurance regulations, to pay some of the health costs for the most irresponsible gays is really wrong.

Again I thank you for making me think these thoughts and writing them. I'd really be interested in any pro-gay ideas of what reasonable accountability means.


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