
TomD, I understand your view that the lack of "marriage" for gays encourages promiscuity. I really don't believe allowing gays to marry would change their behavior much. We'll prolly continue to disagree here, and it seems unlikely that any real numbers, or legal changes, will change either of our minds.

Although I can imagine that, if there is gay marriage, and the rates of gay divorce and "safe sex" (or not?) promiscuity increase, you might be willing to change your mind -- when it's too late, and even more difficult to change society back.

But I'm really here because of Luny: "(Though I also think that in such cases where you knowingly infect someone then you should be held accountable.)"

I don't believe you're serious about the "infectors" being held accountable. I haven't read any "pro-gay marriage" proposals about how to implement any accountability or penalties to the guilty gays who are BUFU-ing
and infecting others.

In fact I'm enraged by this consistent intellectual dishonesty: "oh yes, I'm against knowingly infecting others (but I'm even more against any sanctions...)" And I think this is yet another factor making me, personally, more anti-gay as well as anti-gay marriage than I would be if there was even the tiniest bit of agreement here, or in the US culture, for how to find and punish those who are guilty.

I'll try to make this my last post here on the 200+, 7pages homosexuality thread, so I'm going to copy this challenge part to your new thread.

I hope this isn't too impolite.
(edited a tiny bit, and to copy)


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