
I do have a small problem with:
"Providing scholarships, grants for research or other gifts with more than nominal value to doctors. "
Research is expensive, so are scholarships. Help, even with some strings attached, is useful. Even if it's research designed to show one, new drug, is better (usually just a little) than the older or generic drug.

Lot's of Eastern European medical research gets funding from wherever they can. If some good studies are funded by "biased" money, at least the good study is available and can lead to less costly alternate studies which are less biased--but in practice, there seems very few really biased studies.

When a drug maker has a newer, better drug, sponsoring research is much better marketing, in terms of knowledge about life and real effects of the drug, than mere advertising.

Mine is a pretty small complaint about what could be a fine way to reduce the gov't fraud on reported prices vs real prices.

Were Medicaid modified to require the consumers to pay some for their drugs, such that they had an incentive to choose those with real lower prices, this would more likely result in a bigger reduction of drug costs to the gov't.


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